Ever Present Curiosity

I like to stone.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A little update

Hey I'm back! I feel terrible for neglecting my blog, but then again I really don't know what to do with it sometimes. I keep thinking that one day I'll have a consistent topic to talk about that doesn't involve rants and complains but to be honest I haven't been able to find anything like that to talk about.

That being said, this is really just another rant from me. So to begin, here's a question, have you ever been compared to someone before? No, its not a trick question, in fact its pretty redundant to ask that question but gotta start somewhere you know?

Anyway, one thing I find I hate very much is to have myself compared to other people. Oh and might I add complained about, in front of other people, within your presence, annoyingly, just out of range. >_>

Now and then you go to some place and either both or one of your parents go "haih... my son ahhh... don't know what to do with him la" bla bla bla, and "if only he is like so and so" bla bla bla, the list isn't really that long and to be honest rather predictable. The annoying thing is that sometimes this kind of conversations happen in gatherings where your parents are off somewhere and you are bored out of your mind in some obscure corner, or if you're lucky it would be a family gathering and you are off chatting with your cousins. Then you somehow overhear your name mentioned by none other than one of your parents and you get this sinking feeling that its not something good.

Now what pisses me off is that you catch your name mentioned and know they are somehow talking bad about you, but you just can't pick out exactly what they are saying.

Its times like this that I go "ARGHHHH WTF! What now? I have my parents kind of like talking behind my back! Can't really know what they are saying but I somehow know its about me!" and the sad thing is you don't dare to go ask the people they were talking to about what your parents told them because they are basically strangers. ~>_<~

Am I paranoid? I sure am not! Let me tell you one thing, I actually pride myself on my hearing. I can pick out random conversations in a noisy background if conditions allowed, but it just wasn't the case today. I was in a conversation with my cousin, stupid brats screaming in the background, and finally the conversation was a good 10 feet away from me, behind the screen of annoying bratty frequencies, in rather normal conversational tones.

In other words, I wasn't meant to hear it! But somehow I just managed to pick out this particular sentence, "if only my son is like..." and I went "wtf talking behind my back again???" GAHHH WHY ME!!?? Sure I'm not smart, I'm not handsome, I'm not good at what I'm studying, but ITS YOUR GENES! DON'T BLAME ME FOR WHAT I'M BORN WITH! You got something to say, say it to my face!

Why does everyone I know talk behind my back? Sure I have a bad temper, sure I might blow up in your face if you say it in front of me, but its gonna be worse if you use whispered tones to tell other people of what you are not happy about me! Its me you are talking about! Not happy tell me! Whats this going around trying to tell people your son is not as smart as so and so? Betting on my hearing and hoping I'll take a hint? Hoping my intellect and IQ level will miraculously shoot through the ceiling? How presumptuous! Such hypocrisy!

Hey tell you something funny, let me show you how irony and hypocrisy surrounds us. There happily a parent talks to others telling them to understand their kids and be good parents, and failed to do so themselves. Hypocrisy + irony = double whammy+ ggnormk

Don't talk to other people about trying to understand their kids and about parenthood when you fail to be a good parent yourself. Only one word describes such bullshit; hypocrisy, and I'm sick of it.


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