Updated my anime list on MyAnimeList
Yes stop laughing at the title you numbskulls! I've decided for certain posts and announcements I'll revert to writing in first person; it's easier that way. Anyway for shinigami knows how long, I've finally decided to update my list on yes: MyAnimeList. It comes to a staggering 90+ series (including normal series, OVAs, movies) watched and I'm very sure I missed quite a few.
Well it's easier to see for yourself. I've included the link in my side bar since way back but in case you are retarded or something (I'm sure I dunno any retarded friends so....unless you aren't my friend) I'll make it even easier for you. Click >>>>>>>>>> HERE.
P.S: If you still can't see the link, come and find me. I'll be sure to greet you with a shotgun to put you out of your pitiful existence.
elow.. you can add Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece in ur list..
If you checked the list, you'll notice that Bleach and Naruto ARE there. In the list of Dropped anime that is. One Piece? Not interested.
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