Ever Present Curiosity

I like to stone.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

To be or not to be, it depends
In my old blog I once wrote a post on infinite possibilities, which Gem found interesting. I ask myself how often I'm inspired enough to write post like that, and the truth is, not very often. I wonder if all I have in me is just rants, rants, whining, and more of that. What happen to all those years of reading? At the age of 12, I've already started reading and finishing novels in 1 day, novels that others at the age of 17 cannot finish within a month (spend too much time referring to the dictionary).

Fact is, reading is easy but writing is a whole new world. My creativity isn't the best so stories are out of the question. But I see myself as an extremely inquisitive person with a rather philosophical view on certain things in life (not all, I can be pretty stoic and close minded about certain things I have to admit). So probably its time to take brooding, contemplations, and deep thoughts to an even deeper level. That which does not brood nor contemplate on things that are, very often in life, inevitable. To explore and expand the mind to things that are vast and mysterious, that of science and philosophy. So where do I start?

What sort of science I'm interested in? Not the kind they teach in school. But why? They are the foundation of the more mysterious things out there. The governing physics of the world. Gravity, oxygen level, etc. I'm one who has always believed in what people call "aliens". Indigenous beings on other planets. Why not? If such a perfect condition for the creation and evolution of human beings on Earth can be and is a living proof, why not other planets out there?
The distance Earth is from the sun, the gravity of the planet and of the sun, the orbital length of the Earth around the sun, they all contribute to making life on Earth, possible. Hence I also believe in the theory of dimensions and alternate reality. Or rather infinite possibilities, and the divergence of each individual probability. The universe certainly is vast, and sometimes I dream of exploring all these possibilities, were it possible to. Or live long enough for advance technology in space exploration to be developed. Possible? We never know and sadly I don't think I'll live long enough to find out.

People think I'm weird, negative, and a pessimist. Others hate me for being direct (hey if you don't like the truth thats your problem), and there are those that find me boring and unsociable. Perhaps not having that sense of belonging in society and loneliness gave rise to all these thoughts. Not really going out to hang out with people all the time gave me the time to think of such nonsense. Doesn't matter, what matters is there IS a possibility to at any point in life experience that which can change your life. Nothing in life is a certainty. You could go bankrupt in the blink of an eye, and just as quick, become so rich you have no idea how to spend your fortune. Or you could be the kind of person who is safe within your comfort zone, living a good life, never believing that anything bad will happen to you and get smashed to a pulp by a trailer. *shrugs* Who knows? Especially in Malaysia, you're never safe on the road.

Philosophy? Hmm...I'm no Socrates thats for sure. Nor do I claim to be a guru or whatever. Its your take on life, and as the saying goes "you learn to accept things that happen to you, being philosophical about it". No gf? Hell there are more pros than cons. Why just yesterday I spoke to some of my friends and they weren't saying how its not possible to find a girl who doesn't go crazy when there's a sale, loves to play computer games, looks decent, is smart, etc. Why not? They're just stereotyping. Doesn't matter, if ever I find a girl like that, I'd go for her. Otherwise, either settle for what I get or just live out my life alone. Thats not THAT bad anyway. You spend less money that way. Pessimist or just philosophical? Your pick.

Dreaming of living forever and get the perfect girlfriend. Maybe I'm an idealist too. Or a dreamer if you want to call it. When that day comes, I'll have looks of faces I'd like to see. ;)
Don't think this fits the bill of what Gem calls interesting (meh he expects every blog to be an article), but lol thats all I have time to think of, in the college computer lab (I'm bored and the freaking break is too long yet too short to think of something better to write).

Hmm in any case, to each his own. Am I an idealist? Pessimist? Look-at-life philosophically person? Or someone who dreams of the impossible too much? That is up to you to decide, and for me to be. So, to be or not to be, that depends. ;)


At 6:20 PM, Blogger EdeNz said...

Lol, maybe you should stop being so pessimistic. It's just simply wonderful being able to live =). Try thinking that way, it's a good start.

And having no gf means spending less and you can settle with that? Well, no one likes to be alone for the rest of his/her life. Again, having a gf who loves to spend much, and a gf who doesn't spend at all, like your post describes, doesn't matter at all. What matters is the person within the person herself.

Simplicity is the best. Less tensile, and no compression. (Too much aircraft engineering T_T) So, have you decided what you are now? Lol. Good luck in discovering life, buddy.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Denster said...

Sun Tzu once said:

"Know your enemy, and half the battle is won. Know yourself as well as the battle is won".

It is not a bad thing to pour how you feel about yourself out, for in the future it might aid you. You might look back, in a third person perspective style and tell yourself that "hey, so this is how I think I am, but I think I am more... or less...", treating the previous comment as one done by a totally different person.

Ultimately it is all about fulfiling what you want. Dreaming is good, but that is only half, or rather, the beginning of everything. Success, as they say, involves both inspiration (which you seem to have) and perspiration.

Good luck mate :)

At 2:49 PM, Blogger PhoenixFire said...

ROFL @ EdeNz for the aircraft engineering anecdote :D

Well, to be honest, some things in life are not as complicated as they seem. The fact is, nobody ever has the complete answers for questions in life. What we can make do with are the partial answers that we ourselves perceive of life, not the other way around.

If you remember my Editorial on Duty, you will find that I touched on individual perspectives in life. Never mind that you're an idealist, a negative-minded person, a pessimist, etc., so long as you can become accountable for yourself. That's what makes people unique, no? I'm a realist, a positive-minded person, and an optimist, does that make me less or more humane or friendly than you are?

Certainly, some people cannot adapt when they're thrust in different situations and environments; that's no fault of theirs, because they are not used to it, yet. Yes, and in order to make sure that they do not embarrass themselves, they were forced to "force" you to adapt to them instead. Wonderful thing life is, no? There, you're in a tug-of-war, trying to convince people that yours is the correct thing to follow. Many people do this, either consciously or unconsciously. Some succeeded, others failed.

Probably the best thing to do is believe in yourself. And yes, there is a risk to such behavior: you might become overconfident and overbearing with your attitude. Therefore, control is always something that people struggle with. There is, as Denster said, a profound need to understand yourself in order to understand life.

As for the questions on girlfriends, having a significant other will prove a difficult task, because you'll need to learn to accommodate one another. So far, I've yet to make my own decisions whether or not to give the commitment, and that's why I'm still restraining myself on the matter, but if all are permitting, then I see no problem doing so.

The first question to ask: do I need another person in my life? Love, after all, is the next stage in life.


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