Ever Present Curiosity

I like to stone.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What to do with this blog?

I've probably said this too often; to post regularly, I need to find an interesting topic that I like so that I'll have something to write about. But lately I've been thinking of using blogging as a way to earn some side income via Adsense. So I've been wondering, maybe I should join the animeblogger.net community and start an anime blog but come to think of it, what will happen to this blog? Do I still wanna keep it? I wonder...

But I've noticed that animeblogger has no adsense, so that's not a very good option. The other is to create another blog under blogspot and start from there, but I seriously wonder if I have the motivation to keep something like that up for the long run. =\ I'll venture a guess and say that I probably won't (so I've already gun myself down before even starting).

I'm kinda posting this on a whim so I don't really know what to say. Any ideas on how to earn small side income without consuming too much of my time?


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