Ever Present Curiosity

I like to stone.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Lately I've realized, the corporate bullying isn't going to stop. As long as you are at the bottom, as long as you are the 'grunt', you will always be on the end of the bullying of the people on top. Some don't mean it or are just plain teasing, but it doesn't change the fact that I feel mistreated. Some are pure faggots, and do it just because they can.

Over the past few months I've taken enough of it. I'm doing so much but rewarded so little. Updating contents alone is not easy; I need materials and time of which I lack. Updating website takes time, and the shitty internet doesn't help. Trying to think of new things to write every month isn't easy, I burn more brain juice than the slugs I know are willing to burn. And I have to do other people's work as well?!

I like my job, really I do. But I really can't stand some of the people in my office. But what can I do? I'm only the noob, the newbie, the grunt. I can only grit my teeth and continue to endure. It's a race against time, me getting an emotional breakdown first or the causes of my grievances made to leave.


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