Ever Present Curiosity

I like to stone.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Same time zone different hours

You know as I went through the past few years, the change that's probably the most unhealthy is the hours that I keep. It's no longer "go to bed before midnight and wake up early" but has slowly changed.

Sometimes I wonder if I should come to view it as unhealthy myself, which I don't because I'm so used to it, then what or who should I blame? Should I blame myself? Should I blame SPM because of the need then to study harder and way into hours I never (then) kept before? Or should I blame tertiary education for insane assignments and datelines that forced me to stay up really long?

I'll probably never know, but one thing is for sure, I keep really late hours. Even compared to most who are classed as "night-stalkers" like me, I sleep even later than them. The average for most of that "class" of people is around 1-3am for the earlier ones and 4-5am for the later ones. I guess I'm the extreme one, usually not sleeping till its 5-7am.

The sad thing about keeping such late hours is that when it gets late, you better hope that you have some things to keep you busy, because you are going to be very much alone. Most people are no longer awake during those hours, and when I find that I have trouble with my work and want to relax, I can't find anything much to do nor anyone to talk to. Late at this kind of hours, I feel melancholic at times and the atmosphere becomes that where one starts to quiet down and think about a lot of things. Well, at least thats the way it is for me.

People always say smart people think a lot, and idiots don't bother to think. But then thinking too much isn't really all that good after all when you really think about it. Maybe not thinking too much will at least let you be a lot happier. I guess you can say an idiot doesn't think because he doesn't know much, and as they say ignorance is bliss.

Whats the point? Nothing much. I'm just feeling quite lonely here. Its 4am and there's no one to talk to. Documentation for a project is progressing but slowly, and the background write up for my character is pending as I don't have the time to work on it.

*sigh* I've always wished that there would be more hours in a day, but when you think logically it doesn't make a difference. Mankind has adapted working hours and their activities according to the 24 hours, and therefore even if there were more hours in a day that wouldn't change. Working hours would just be longer too even if you get 48 hours a day for example. About the only good thing is if the human body isn't affected and would still require the same amount of sleep (do consider that the laws of physics might change drastically if the world we live in is one that has 48 hours in a day) then overall you'd have more time to sleep, if only just.

Still I'd like to say when it comes to us humans, there is never enough time for all the things we want to do, and that's the cruel fact.


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